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If Lucy fans want to put in the 'weak' factor,I'd like to bring uo this point. She's a kind natured girl who values her friends just like everyone else. So what if Juvia loves gray and can't stop loving him,don't we all feel that way towards a certain someone? So what if Wendy or Lisanna are weak? They do their best to fight. People hate on characters like juvia,Lisanna,Wendy etc for being weak.annoying also.I fail to see what those characters did wrong. She uses her appearance to attract guys.That's just. She always presents herself as a 'slut''. Second,she can't stop dressing indecently.

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On episode one she appears leaving a bad impression.The first thing she does when she apears is flirt with a dude to get a discount or something or something she wanted. I don't care for ships either.i'll just voice my opinion on why i despise her.Just because someone is a main character,that doesn't mean they can't get hate. That would be Lucy motherfucking Heartfilia.

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