He seems to be condemned to always miss the mark as an actor thanks to awful scriptwriters and poor characterization. Having Henry Cavill miscast as a sympathetic, charismatic, friendly, brotherly, caring Holmes is an irony in itself, after his utterly misguided casting as Superman, whom he played as depressive, brooding, uncharismatic emo dull bore that ruined that other classic franchise for years to come. Whoever wrote this has no understanding of Mycroft Holmes (here an insufferable chauvinist petit-maître millions of miles away from the understated genius, government superagent of the Conan Doyle books) and to add insult to injury, the characterization of Sherlock Holmes himself, despite the books, plays, movies and tv shows who clearly show what kind of character he is, his personality, and so on. But the worst sin of the movie is characterization. The constant 4th-Wall breaks by Enola destroys the narrative, the pace, it's condescending, and becomes annoying, irritating.